13. I don’t think online therapy would work for me…

“Ever heard the saying “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it”? Research shows that tele-therapy provides the same quality of care as traditional therapy. According to the American Psychological Association, tele-therapy is just as effective as in-person sessions for treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression disorders.

Benefits of attending therapy sessions virtually include maximized privacy and confidentiality; clients taking less time off of work due to convenience of doing session from their office, home, parked car, etc.; clients’ comfort and familiarity with their own environment leading to reduced feelings of stigma and social anxiety.

Cut the travel and maximize your precious free time by attending tele-therapy services from the comfort of your own space.”

— Emily Duncan, LCSW
Duncan Counseling, LLC
Therapy for bright young women in TN, KY, FL

Emily Duncan, LCSW

Therapy for bright young women in TN, KY, FL


14. Mental = Physical


12. Sleep